Dual training of geriatric care in China
In the ground-breaking project the mediCampus – Gesundheitsfachberufe (health care professions), the Elsevier GmbH and the German-Chinese Sozialwerk e.V. as well as Chinese universities/colleges (education partners) are working together on the development of a dual training system for geriatric nurses in China.

Together with Chinese colleges the training of geriatric care at 8 locations in China shall be established, the connection of practice partners according to the German dual training shall be developed and connected with Chinese traditions and experiences. Not only the newest reforms within the German training of geriatric care are considered here but also specific needs of Chinese society.
At the same time, it shall be clarified for the German training of geriatric care in how far knowledges of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can be applied.

Additionally, trainers/teachers of Chinese partners are trained at the mediCampus in Chemnitz and an e-learning platform is developed, which is made available for the participating colleges.
The PPP-project is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
China’s one-child policy, the economic boom and the strong migration from the country to the urban centres have led to problems in the supply of China’s older population. Therefore, elder care is one of the six main tasks of the People’s Republic, as explained by the general secretary Xi Jinping on the national congress of the Communist Party of China 2018. Besidesthe investments in nursing homes the introduction of a formalised training of geriatric care is one of the main tasks of the future Chinese government policy.

The dual training of geriatric care has a long tradition in Germany and successfully connects theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Now this model will be applied for the first time in the training of Chinese geriatric nurses and help the Chinese billion-strong nation in the demographic change.
Education partners in the People’s Republic of China:
- Shenzhen Polytechnic
- Changsha Social Work College
- Panzhihua University
- Chengdu Polytechnic
- Sichuan Nursing Vocational College
- Honghe Health Vocational College
- Dehong Vocational College
- Urban Vocational College of Sichuan
Project partners in Germany:
Information analytics company Elsevier GmbH, München – The Elsevier GmbH is a leading information service provider in the fields of science, health and technology as well as publisher of numerous standard works for the training of geriatric care.
fuu sachsen gGmbH, business division mediCampus – Gesundheitsfachberufe (health care professions)
With the start of school operation at the vocational school for geriatric care in the year 1993 the fuu-sachsen began its training activity in health care professions. Today part of the mediCampus – Gesundheitsfachberufe (health care professions) are the state-approved:
- Vocational school for geriatric care
- Vocational school for medical-technical radiology assistant
- Vocational school for health care and nursing
- Vocational school for nursing assistants
- Vocational school for paramedics
The mediCampus – Gesundheitsfachberufe (health care professions) is a „State-approved institution for further education“ according to the further education regulation for health care professions (SächsGfbWBVO).
Deutsch-Chinesische Sozialwerk e.V., Stuttgart.