October at fuu sachsen ggmbh got off to an international start. We had the pleasure to welcome several groups from Slovakia and Lithuania on 03/10/2021 and 04/10/2021.
These are our project partners: Obchodná akadémia Martin and VšĮ Kuršėnų politechnikos mokykla
The participants from Slovakia are divided into two groups.
The group of teachers uses the time to look at methods and didactic processes in the field of vocational education. We will carry out observation in apprenticeship and professions of home economics, warehouse and gastronomy, as well as in vocational high school and vocational school Gerd Conde. The subject teachers come from the areas of German and economics, so that for here the emphasis sets. Especially the direct exchange with our teachers and trainers has a great advantage for both sides. Whether it is recognizing new ways of doing things, getting to know a different school system or “just” exchanging ideas about minor issues when working with students.

visit in dresden ceremonial lunch
The ten business students from Slovakia will spend the next two weeks working on the simulation game Business Game. This simulates business processes and entrepreneurial procedures that would also have to take place in a real company. The aim is to demonstrate and train commercial processes. How do I calculate prices? What costs arise? Do I need more staff or new machines? These are all questions that the students have to face. The participants from Slovakia, especially from Martin, are in the fourth year of their bilingual education, which requires very good basic knowledge of economics. But in another country, in a foreign language sometimes not so easy. At the end of the business game, let’s see who has the most sales and emerges as the winner.
The six boys from Lithuania explicitly from Kursenai are with us for four weeks to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of motor vehicles. Thereby they train and practice in our own car workshop. From brake system, to alternator, fault analysis and of course tire change, everything is included. Furthermore, tasks such as changing cylinder head gaskets and disassembling and assembling engines are also part of their duties. Due to the fully equipped workshop in our house, we are able to explicitly smuggle in some tricks as error messages. I wonder if all of them will be recognized? We will see.

In addition to professional development and knowledge enhancement, our groups should also get to know our culture and experience it live. Thus, we will travel with everyone to Dresden and Leipzig on the coming weekends, visit the August Horch Museum in Zwickau and have excursions to VW planned. In addition to the cities mentioned, Chemnitz will not be forgotten, so the city tour on the first day is of course part of it and visits to the industrial museum or vehicle museum are also part of it.
In the middle of October there will be two more groups from Slovakia. Another business group and a logistics group. We are already very much looking forward to it.