Know How Students

fuu.InternationalAutomotive Technology, Training Centres

from 13.08.2019 to 26.08.2019 Our Know How students group is spending their last days with us. Tomorrow it’s already time to say goodbye. Besides many excursions the participants were also industrious in our automotive workshop. Between engine oil and engine noise they analysed, diagnosed and thoroughly checked the cars. We hope they can take a lot of positive and new …

Erasmus+ “European Vocational Placements in Tourism, Sport and Health ”


Five girls from Vocational College META Don Bosco, Budapest/HU came to us to do an internship in a nursing home from 22.06 to 14.07.219 (Project number 2018-1-HU01-KA102-047142). They learn the profession of a nurse – a profession which is needed all over Europe.  They worked in the “Seniorenresidenz und Pflegeheim Chemnitz SenVital”, where they worked in various residential areas during …

Die Gruppe "Fundacion Ideo" in Dresden


fuu.InternationalGastronomy, Traineeships

A group of 10 future cooks from „The Fundación Canaria de Juventud Ideo“ / Tenerife / Spain arrived on Monday, 1st of July 2019 within the frame of the project “Erasmus+”. This is a project for VET learners and staff mobility called “DUNA” (PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA116-046889). They do internships for 21 days in different restaurants in Chemnitz. Learning languages while …

City tour with our chinese qualified employees


Three of our chinese qualified employees are already in Chemnitz since three months. Unfortunately the rest of the group had to wait longer to come to Germany as well. The group will be here until September and is working on the “Sino-German-Eldercare-Project“. This is a project in the field of elder care in the „Healthcare“ training center at our MediCampus. …

Yin and Yang symbol with the flags of the People's Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany



In the ground-breaking project the mediCampus – Gesundheitsfachberufe (health care professions), the Elsevier GmbH and the German-Chinese Sozialwerk e.V. as well as Chinese universities/colleges (education partners) are working together on the development of a dual training system for geriatric nurses in China. Read more…